Student Code of Conduct

All students at UoAIC are expected to adhere to the UoAIC Student Code of Conduct below, as well as the UoA Code of Conduct and related policies.

  1. Attend all classes.
  2. Be on time and in class ready to learn at all times.
  3. Follow the given guidelines for good learning.
  4. Ensure all work submitted for assessment is your own work.
  5. Only use electronic devices in class time for work directed by the teacher.
  6. Act in a way that does not disrupt the learning of  others.
  7. Respect the personal property of others.
  8. Respect the personal rights of others.
  9. Respect College Property and learning environment.
  10. Abide by all regulations and requirements.
  11. Behave in ways that will not create a health and safety hazard, impede operational activities, or bring the College into disrepute.
  12. Comply with all reasonable directions given by a staff member.
  13. Dress in an appropriate manner respecting a multicultural campus.
  14. Wear appropriate footwear at all times. This is a health and safety requirement.
  15. Comply with the non-smoking/vaping regulations and not smoke/vape in any area of the premises, except those designated as smoking/vaping areas.
  16. Refrain from accessing, altering, or removing items from the records of any present or past student or staff member, in either printed or electronic form. No information pertaining to present or past students or staff members may be provided to any other party.
  17. Comply with New Zealand laws and regulations.